A social entrepreneur
establishing the notion of
effectiveness in social change
Melbourne, Australia


I'm Gidi Kadosh

We need to replace the question of whether something helps others, with the question of how much it helps.
I believe we need a radical shift in how humanity thinks about helping others. 

This way of thinking creates a misguided world in which the charities with the best marketing win over those with the highest impact. A world where corporate social responsibility is driven by PR, not impact. A world where academics, or even social entrepreneurs, aren’t incentivized to choose opportunities with higher impact.

I made it my mission to change that. I founded Effective Altruism Israel to promote these ideas directly, and founded VIVID to apply these ideas in the areas of mental health and personal growth.


Oct 2022 - Today | Co-founder & CEO


VIVID is a social impact startup, cofounded with Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar, revolutionizing the way personal growth and mental health tools and advice are delivered - from passive content consumption, to actual practice and real change.

We've created a flexible AI-driven platform enabling experts & NGOs to build, send and implement interactive practice plans across large audiences & organizations, to help them create real change in their lives.

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Mar 2020 - Sep 2022 | Co-founder & CEO

Effective Altruism Israel

Effective Altruism is a social movement that promotes practical tools and advice about prioritization of opportunities to help others.

As its CEO, I helped Effective Altruism Israel grow from a small group of six volunteers into an established organization with 8 employees and thousands in its community, raise over 2 million dollars, launch academic courses at Tel-Aviv University and programs changing the face of the Israeli nonprofit sector, lead to the launch of 6 large scale ($300k+) organizations and projects, and give over a hundred lectures, workshops, and meetups to help Israelis increase their social impact.

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Over the past years, I've been invited to speak at several global conferences in the US, UK, Eastern Europe, and the Far East, and given dozens of lectures on impact entrepreneurship, personal growth, building an impactful career, and the intersection between community building and user experience.

I view speaking as an important way to make a change - Don’t hesitate to reach out if you’re considering booking a talk or a workshop on any of the above.

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My System & Worldview

My life & work principles

After more than a decade of personal research into effective personal growth and effective work methods, I'm sharing my attempt to simplify all good strategies (whether in personal growth or in business growth) - into a simple, straightforward framework.

I also share how this framework stands as the basis for my life & work principles, and what tools I use to put these principles into practice.

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גידי קדוש - גדעון קדוש - ויויד - אלטרואיזם אפקטיבי ישראל - יזמות אימפקט
Mar 2020 - Sep 2022 | Co-founder & CEO

Effective Altruism Israel

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